This is a project realized by four exchange students at UTT, Université de Technologie de Troyes, for the intensive course in Project Management. Its main objective is to help international students and anyone else studying French to more naturally be able to follow and participate in discussions with French people.
When learning French at school, you generally tend to concentrate on so-called proper language, which in itself is correct, but not necessarily used in real life. Teaching the slang can be hard, because it sometimes evolves quickly, and not living in France, the teachers won't stay up to date with the latest words and expressions used. Sometimes the expressions are also quite vulgar, which explains why they are not taught at school.
We hope this blog will help people like us to integrate better among the French people by facilitating communication. To help us, we would appreciate comment, questions, suggestions etc. Is there a word you've been wondering about? Have you found a mistake on the page, or maybe you know a word you would like to share with others? Feel free to comment directly on the posts or contact us directly at
Have fun with the blog,
- The Team