Sunday, May 22, 2011

Enfoiré(e)** (m/f)

IMAGE: Couple yelling face to face (John Rensten / Corbis)

= Personne stupide, méchante, idiote
= Jerk, fucker
Synonyms: Con(ne)

"Espèce d'enfoiré** !"
= "You son of a bitch!"


IMAGE: A running clock with a face on it (

= Vite fait
= Quickly done, doesn't require much effort

"Tu ajoutes juste un petit texte ici, c'est vitéf, et puis c'est prêt"
= "Just add a little texte here, shouldn't take long, and then it's done"

Con(ne) ** (m/f)

IMAGE: Woman tossing popcorn at her date (Daniel Koebe/Corbis)

= Personne stupide, idiote
= Jerk
Synonyms: Enfoiré(e)

"Il m'a pas appelé hier, quel con** !"
= "The jerk never called last night!"

Faire gaffe

IMAGE: Exclamation point road sign (Robert Essel/ NYC/CORBIS)

= Faire attention
= Look out, be careful, watch out

"Fais gaffe à la voiture !"
= "Look out for the car!"

Monday, May 16, 2011


IMAGE: Man is standing in front of a white board (Wolfsteiner  / Corbis)
= Difficile
= Hard

"Les exercices de maths sont super chauds !"
= "The math exercises are really hard!"