Monday, June 13, 2011


= Ignorer quelqu'un parce qu'on pense qu'on est meilleur qu'eux
= Ignoring someone because you think you're better than they

"Elle m'a même pas regardé, tellement elle m'a snobbé"
= "She didn't even look at me, that's how much she was ignoring me"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nana (f)

= Belle femme (f)
= A good looking chick

"Les nanas en mini-jupe... Wow !"
= "Hot girls in miniskirts... Wow!"


= Attraper; séduire; voler
= To catch; to get lucky with someone, to steal

"J'ai chopé une nana hier"
= "I pulled this one girl yesterday"


= Frapper, battre
= To hit someone, to beat up someone

"Il l'a cogné pour piquer son argent"
= "He beat him up to steal his money"

Pompe (f)

= Chaussure (f)
= Shoe
Synonyms: Godasse 

"Mes pompes me font mal"
= "My shoes hurt my feet"

Godasse (f)

= Chaussure (f)
= Shoe
Synonyms: Pompe

"J'ai de nouvelles godasses"

= "I have new shoes"

C'est -> c

= C'est
= It is

"C pas ça"
= "That's not it"

Mais -> ms

= Mais
= But

"Je voudrais l'acheter ms j'ai plus de thunes"
= "I'd like to get it but I'm broke"

Comment -> cmt

= Comment
= How

"Je sais pas cmt il l'a fait"
= "I don't know how he did it"

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a -> ksk y a

= Qu'est-ce qu'il y a
= What's going on

"Ca va ? Ksk y a ?"
= "How are you? Is everything OK?"

Mort de rire -> mdr

= Mort De Rire

"Finalement il était 2h en retard, mdr !"
= "In the end he was 2h late, lol!"

Flouze (m)

= Argent (m)
= Money
Synonyms: All the other words in the "Money" category

"Il me reste pas de flouze pour sortir les weekends"
= "I don't have enough money left to go out in the week ends"

Tune, thune (f)

= Argent (m)
= Money
NB: can be spelled with or without the "h"
Synonyms: All the other words in the "Money" category

"Il m'a prêté de la thune"
= "He lent me some money"


= Regarder
= To watch, to check out

"On a maté un film hier soir"
= "We watched a movie yesterday"

"Il aime mater les filles en été"
= "He likes to check out girls in the summer"

(There's a third meaning too, feel free to add examples of it in the comments!)