Saturday, April 16, 2011


IMAGE: Group of friends watching television
(Jamie Grill/Tetra Images/Corbis)

= Passer du temps à ne rien faire
= To hang out
Synonyms: Traîner

"On va glander au Foyer"
= "We're going to hang out at the Foyer"

Salaud** (m) / Salope*** (f)

= Une personne n'ayant aucune moralité ni aucune limite
= A jerk, a bastard / a bitch, a cunt

"Quelle salope celle-là, elle couche avec tout le monde !"

IMAGE: Prostitute standing outdoors (Deepol/plainpicture/Corbis)
= "What a slut she is, sleeping with everyone!"

Machin (m)

 = Une chose
= A thing, a thingy
Synonyms: un truc

"Tu peux me passer le machin là-bas ?"
= "Could you hand that thing over there?"


IMAGE: Businessman Walking Down Office Hallway (Sean Justice/Corbis)

= Partir
= To leave
Synonyms: Se barrer, se casser

"Dégage** !"
= "Go away!"

Se barrer

IMAGE: Businessman Walking Down Office Hallway (Sean Justice/Corbis)

= Partir
= To leave
Synonyms: Se casser**, dégager

"Je me suis barré(e)"
= "I left"

Se casser**

IMAGE: Businessman Walking Down Office Hallway (Sean Justice/Corbis)

= Partir
= To take off, to leave
Synonyms: Se barrer, dégager

"Je me suis cassé(e)**"
= "I took off"

"Casse-toi*** !"
= "Fuck off!"

VIDEO Sarkozy : Casse-toi pauvre con!

Baiser (m) ; Baiser*** (verbe)

= (pas d'argot), Bisou (m) ; Donner une bise (pas vulgaire), Faire l'amour, avoir des rapports sexuels
= A kiss ; To fuck

Note: The noun is an innocent word for a kiss, whereas the verb is a very vulgar for "to fuck"

"Donne-moi un baiser !"
= "Kiss me!"

IMAGE: Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Robert Doisneau)

"J'ai baisé*** avec la fille que j'ai rencontré la semaine dernière"
= "I fucked the girl I met last week"

IMAGE: Passionate Couple (Peter M. Fisher/Corbis)


IMAGE: Two young women sitting on bed (Yanti May/Corbis)

= Faire, donner, mettre
= To put something, to give, to do

"Je m'en fous**"
= "I don't give a fuck"

"Il m'a dit bonjour mais je lui ai foutu un vent**"
= "He sais hi to me but I didn't answer him"

"Va te faire foutre***"
= "Fuck off / Go fuck yourself"

There are loads of expressions with "foutre", feel free to add more examples in the comments!

Branler*** ; Branleur*** (m)

= Masturber ; Quelqu'un qui ne fait jamais rien
= To jerk off, to masturbate;  A wanker, a slacker
Synonyms: Feignasse

IMAGE: Student Taking Nap (Gael Conrad / Corbis)
"Il ne branle*** rien"
= "He doesn't do anything"

"Je m'en branle***"
= "I don't give a fuck"

"Mais quel branleur*** celui-là !"
= "What a wanker!"

VIDEO: Les Inconnus - Les Branleurs 

relou (adj)

= "Lourd" en verlan. Ennuyeux.
= Annoying

"Comment t'es relou, tu m'ennuies !"

= "God, you're so irritating!"

IMAGE: Woman tossing popcorn at her date (Daniel Koebe/Corbis)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Clope (f)

IMAGE: Pack of Cigarettes (David Arky/Corbis)

= Cigarette (f)
= A cigarette

"J'ai plus de clopes"
= "I'm out of cigarettes"